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No side effects...just side benefits!

  • What are the benefits of organic herbal supplements?
    Organic herbal supplements offer numerous benefits, including natural ingredients, potential health improvements, and minimal side effects compared to synthetic alternatives. These supplements are sourced from organic farms and are rich in nutrients that support overall well-being.
  • What is Honecquis D4?
    Honecquis D4 is a potent herbal supplement containing a blend of six different herbs and fruits extracted into 500mg capsules. This product is designed to enhance blood flow, support prostate health, and potentially uncover hidden health issues upon consumption. It is one of the top-selling products at BBE and is known to promote a rejuvenated health status akin to that of a 15-year-old male.
  • I often eat curry dishes, why should I take curcumin?
    There are 134 different kinds of turmeric produced in the world. Only one kind of curcumin has medicinal value, and the others have no medicinal value; the curry powder or turmeric used in restaurants is basically low-cost turmeric without medicinal effect , the content of curcumin is very low, and the mixture of other ingredients such as cooking in oil cannot really get the effect of curcumin. Our products have been tested by the Interek Laboratory in Taiwan and show that they do not contain heavy metals and contain medicinal value. They are the safest medicinal health care products in the world, allowing us to obtain all the health benefits of curcumin.
  • Will I feel inner hot after taking CLT, P1500 or P3000, TEP-30X? Why do you get pimples, or feel a bit of a toothache?
    A1: From the perspective of Traditional medicine, this is a phenomenon of good effect, which usually disappears within a week after the first dose. For whose get the first health supplement, the detoxification effect is very obvious, and the stool frequency will be more than before. No worries. It is because of the cells have accumulated a lot of bad and polluted cells, curcumin has the function of expelling these bad and polluted cells from the body in terms of the efficacy of medicinal health care products. Toxic reaction, curcumin will not have any side effects in the highest daily dose of 8000mg. ​ Healing crisis, also called Reverse Reaction in Traditional medicine (Health supplement) , is a phenomenon that may occur during cell repair. It is a good thing to have a better reaction, please don’t worry, so no matter the problem of sub-health or chronic disease, please give your body some time and use scientific methods to improve your health. The improvement reaction is a good thing. It is a phenomenon that the sick balance of the human body is disturbed and readjusted to a healthy balance. It is the activation of the human immune system and the functions of the internal organs are recovering. The specific manifestations of the improvement reaction are as follows: A: 1. Itchy skin: The phagocytosis ability of white blood cells is enhanced, the skin tissue is itchy, and the qi and blood in the lesion are circulated. ​ 2. People with poor kidney function and qi stagnation and blood stasis will report that the skin is extremely itchy. The body does not have a rash. ​ 3. Small redness and swelling on the skin, small red lumps, wheals, and vomiting are manifestations of cholecystitis and bile reflux disease, and the reflection of waste in human blood and body fluids in the weak acid environment of the skin. The skin can't bear the adjustment, and all kinds of new stasis will be produced, which is temporary. ​ 4. Skin ulceration, running water, peeling, and local swelling are manifestations of blocked skin microcirculation and poor circulation. Such as thick or pink liquid coming out of the original wound site. ​ 5. Lymphatic pain, red and swollen throat, itching in the mouth, coughing, this is the lymph node, throat, and other original diseases or stasis, virus complexes, waste bodies, blood spots, and the waste in the mucous membrane begins to loosen or decompose, dredging and discharging. ​ 6. Scalp itching and dandruff are typical reflections of kidney yang deficiency. It is an uncomfortable feeling caused by a large amount of fat and waste in the hair follicles of the scalp being blocked by blood stasis. ​ 7. Originally had skin problems, the performance of expelling toxins in the blood ​ B. All kinds of pain are due to increased blood flow, sclerosis and atrophy, and the stagnant microvessels begin to recover their elasticity. Pushing from the back and blocking from the front will pull the surrounding tissues, which will reflect pain. Some people react strongly, while others respond weak. 1. Local muscle soreness, pain, tingling, this is a serious blockage of muscle microcirculation. 2. Regarding the hip bone, cervical spine, and lumbar spine, soreness, tingling pain, and no fixed point, this is a manifestation of arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid, and osteoarthritis of the femur. The more pain, the more serious it is. 3. Unexpected local pain, indicating that there is stasis in this part. 4. Weakness and aches all over the body, this is a manifestation of the acidity in the blood being discharged, and there will also be extravagant sleep 5. Headache, which is a reflection of cerebrovascular atrophy, cerebrovascular blockage, brain tumor, migraine, trauma to the head, and unstable cranial nerve function. When microvessels recover their elasticity, the shape of surrounding tissues is changed. 6. Female abdominal pain, distending pain, and extreme discomfort are reflections of pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine malposition, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, cervicitis, adnexitis, vaginitis, and other gynecological diseases . 7. Pain in the hands and feet, and fever in the palms and soles of the hands, this is a reflection of the recovery of peripheral nerves and microcirculation. 8. Lumbar pain, waist distension, backache: poor kidney, nephritis, kidney stones, bladder stones, ureteral stones, fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, lumbar problems, and other diseases. A manifestation of resilience. 9. Stomach pain and vomiting, excessive flatulence, this is a reflection of stomach disease, bile reflux gastritis, atrophic gastritis, superficial gastritis, gastritis, etc. This is a kind of repair, detoxification, and improvement of gastric function. Performance. (Nerve compression by the cervical spine or severe pharyngitis will also cause vomiting) 10. Pain in the bile area: This is a manifestation of dredging. The blood vessels that were originally blocked by blood stasis, the liver tissue is dredged and decomposed, and the function is gradually restored. 11. Original shoulder periarthritis, cervical spine problems will also appear more painful when repairing 12. There is also pain in repairing old injuries in places that have been injured C. Vertigo ​ This is the manifestation of anemia, qi deficiency, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, high blood viscosity, phlegm obstruction, cerebrovascular blockage, and insufficient liver and gallbladder. This is a manifestation of accelerated blood flow. The vasoconstriction ability cannot keep up, out of sync or to open up the performance of blocked blood vessels. ​ D. Aphthous ulcers This is caused by a large amount of stasis in the oral cavity when the heat, fire, and poison of the human sublingual gland (stomach), parotid gland (spleen), and subpalatal gland (kidney) are excreted outward, and it can be relieved by gargling more. (Some women with uterine fibroids also experience swollen gums) ​ E. Dry mouth, dry tongue, frequent urination, excessive farting It turns out that the body is too acidic and discharges excess water, greasy, waste and other substances in the cells. This is the performance of acid discharge. Drinking a lot of water will relieve it (pharyngitis and liver fire patients will also have dry mouth) ​ F. Snooze, unable to wake up This is a manifestation of too many toxins in the body, acidic blood, and liver problems. The detoxification and repair of the liver must be completed during sleep, which is an inevitable reflection of repair. ​ G. Excessive eye mucus, red and swollen eyes, eye pain This is a manifestation of the dredging of the microcirculation, microvessels, and microelasticity of the eye skin after the liver qi is dredged, and it is a reflection of the discharge of the virus blocked in the eye. Patients with glaucoma, cataract, and myopia will also have excessive eye mucus ​ H. Acne intensifies This is a phenomenon in which a large amount of subcutaneous fat is excreted and causes stasis. ​ Nine, cough, phlegm, accompanied by asthma, dizziness This is an instinctive reaction to excrete dead phlegm and congestion in the bronchi, trachea, throat, and lungs to stimulate the tissues. People with asthma also experience coughing. ​ I. Bleeding ​ 1. Nosebleeds: This is hemoglobin, not nosebleeds. It turns out that the arteries are hardened, atrophied, spleen and liver function is not good, and the function is restored after adjustment, or the nose has been injured; ​ 2. Non-stop menstruation and long bleeding time: severe stagnation of Qi and blood stasis, endometrial thickening, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and cervical erosion. ​ 3. Blood in the stool: This is the reflection of patients with intestinal polyps, enteritis, colorectal cancer, and hemorrhoids. During the process of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, the original tissue is decomposed and excreted after the congestion in various parts. ​ 4. Hematuria: This is the reaction of kidney stones, ureteral stones, and bladder stones. During the dredging process, the stones loosen, and the blood vessel intima is bruised during excretion. ​ 5. Cloudy urine: This is a reflection of recovery from kidney disease and bladder problems. ​ 6. Green urine: This is a manifestation of gallbladder problems. When a large amount of bile is excreted, the human body cannot decompose or combine with various foods and melt. It is also a manifestation of recovery. ​ J. Smelly urine and foamy urine This is a unique manifestation of inflammation in the urinary system of people with high blood sugar, diabetes, kidney disease, pancreatitis, and cystitis. This is a reflection of detoxification and recovery of function. ​ K. Diarrhea This is a typical manifestation of people with liver and gallbladder, cholecystitis, enteritis, and poor physique, and it is also a phenomenon of detoxification. (For those with severe diarrhea, pay attention to prevent dehydration) ​ L. Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat: 1. Anemia: The blood flow increases and the flow speed is fast, and various organs cannot adapt and adjust. 2. For people with poor heart function, the blood return of the heart cannot be coordinated in time. M. Hands, feet, body swelling This is a manifestation of diabetes, kidney disease, rheumatism, rheumatoid, and heart vessel blockage. ​ N. Blood lipids, blood sugar, and blood pressure are higher than before taken. This is a reflection of the adjustment and repair of patients with these original problems. At the same time, it is a pseudo-symptom, and they feel that they are not as hard as the past symptoms. ​ O. Reduction and enhancement of appetite This is the reaction of the poor function of the stomach in repairing the stomach. ​ P. Fat and thin endocrine in the adjustment process of the reflection, especially hyperthyroidism will be fat. Losing weight is due to the strengthening of the vitality of the cells in the body, and the formation of a large amount of lipotoxicity and fat discharge in the cells. ​ Q. People with poor liver function will appear when repairing the liver: bad breath, bitter mouth, bad temper, nosebleeds (hemoglobin), eye mucus, tearing, dim eyes, heat intolerance (I always feel hot in the weather), and appear at night Sweating (back sweat), warm back, and hard calves. ​ R. Women's uterine problems: Menstrual disorders, more or less, delayed or early, or even several times a month, after a period of time, the color of menstrual blood is bright, and gradually improves. ​​ S. Male prostate problems: a small number of people will experience temporary inability to erect, smooth urination after conditioning, and enhanced sexual function. ​​ T. Rheumatism, rheumatoid patients: Swelling, pain, or even weakness in the feet for a few days, and it will be repaired for many rounds. ​​ U. People with a history of smoking will cough up thick phlegm and then enter the stage of dry cough. ​ V. People who have been drinking for a long time will have a poor capacity for alcohol during the period of taking the product, get drunk after drinking a little, and even vomit after drinking. W. Hair loss Promote hair follicle regeneration, new cells replace aging cells to re-grow hair. There are more white hairs, and some white hairs grow out of the hair follicles, and then slowly black hairs grow. ​ X. Originally, this kind of reaction was not a problem. After taking curcumin, I found that the problem was not a disease. Don't worry, it will disappear naturally in a short time. ​ Note: Some people react too much while taking curcumin and get scared! Actually don't be fooled into thinking it's rejection, it's a healing response! ​ There is no response to western medicine, and it is silently destroying organ functions, while curcumin is helping you find out the condition, adjusting, dredging, restoring and improving the functions and effects of various organs in the body. The point is, our products are all natural, some people feel no reaction, but the reaction is small and unaware. If you take the product to experience the effect, you can use the notebook list to write down all the small and big problems of your body before taking it, and then check the notebook after a period of time. Maybe when you think you don’t feel it, some small problems have already occurred. It disappeared without knowing it, and a small number of people did not respond, but the condition became better and better without knowing it, and it will be clearer if you can compare it with the hospital examination indicators. ​ Q2. I often eat curry dishes, why should I take curcumin? A2. There are 134 different kinds of turmeric produced in the world. Only one kind of curcumin has medicinal value, and the others have no medicinal value; the curry powder or turmeric used in restaurants is basically low-cost turmeric without medicinal effect , the content of curcumin is very low, and the mixture of other ingredients such as cooking in oil cannot really get the effect of curcumin. Our products have been tested by the Interek Laboratory in Taiwan and show that they do not contain heavy metals and contain medicinal value. They are the safest medicinal health care products in the world, allowing us to obtain all the health benefits of curcumin.
  • 我常服咖喱的料理,為什麼要吃薑黃素?
    世上有134種不同的薑黃出產,唯有一種薑黃素才有藥用價值,其他都是沒有藥用價值;餐廳用的咖喱粉或薑黃,基本上是低成本而沒有藥用功效的薑黃,含薑黃素含量很低,再加上油煮等等其他食材的混合,並不能真正得到薑黃素的功效。 我們的產品經台灣 Interek 化驗所化驗結果顯示不含重金屬,同時含有藥用價值,是世上最安全的藥用價值保健品,能令我們得到薑黃素的所有健康好處。
  • 剛服用薑黃素時,會不會熱氣?為什麼會長出青春痘,又或者感到有點牙痛?
    在中醫的角度去解說,這是一種好效果的現象,通常在初服後一星期內會消失。2%的朋友在剛服薑黃素時,排毒效果是非常明顯,大便次數會比以前多,這是體內積得毒素多的原因,也是薑黃素功效的結果,並不是熱氣的原因,通常2-3日內就沒問題。 正因身體的細胞積累了很多壞和污毒的細胞,薑黃素在藥用價值保健品的功效來說,是把這些壞和污毒的細胞排出身體的功能效果,青春痘、牙痛都是推毒的反應,薑黃素在每日最高8000mg的劑量內,是不會任何副作用。 ​ 好轉反應(healing crisis)中醫也叫瞑眩反應 (Reverse Reaction),是細胞修復過程中可能會出現的現象。出現了好轉反應是好事,請不要擔心,所以無論亞健康的問題,還是慢性疾病,請給身體一些時間,用科學的方法,改善自己的健康。 好轉反應是件好事,是人體病態平衡被打亂,重新調整為健康平衡的一種現象,是人體免疫系統被激活了,五臟六腑的功能在恢復中 好轉反應有哪些具體表現如下: 一、皮膚癢: 1、白細胞吞噬能力增強,皮部組織出現奇癢,病變部位氣血流通了。 2、腎功能不好,氣滯血淤的人,會反映皮膚奇癢無比,是皮膚無法應對大量毒素的排出,甚至還有一邊腎出現問題,那邊的身體會長疹子,沒有問題的一邊腎的身體不長疹子的情況。 3、皮膚出現小紅腫,小紅塊,風疹塊,嘔吐,是膽囊炎,膽汁返流性疾病的一種表現,人體血液、體液內的廢物在皮膚弱酸環境中的反映。皮膚承受不了調節,產生各種新的瘀堵,這是暫時的。 4、皮膚潰爛、流水、脫皮、局部腫大,是皮膚微循環瘀堵,流通不暢的一種表現,是原來瘀堵和病變的局部被打通了。比如原有傷口部位流出濃或者粉色液體。 5、淋巴痛,咽喉紅腫,口腔內癢,咳嗽,這是淋巴結,咽喉,等原有疾病或瘀堵,病毒結合物,廢物體,淤血點,粘膜內廢物開始鬆動或分解,疏通排出現象。 6、頭皮癢、頭屑多,這是典型的腎陽虛反映,原來瘀堵在頭皮的毛囊內脂肪和廢物被大量排出後產生的不適應感覺。 7、原本有皮膚問題,將血液裡的毒素往外排的表現 二、各種疼痛、是由於血流量增強,硬化萎縮,瘀堵的微血管開始恢復彈性,後面推,前面堵,會牽拉周圍的組織,就會反映疼痛,有的人反應強烈,有的人反應弱。 1、局部肌肉酸痛,脹痛,刺痛,這是肌肉微循環嚴重堵塞。 2、關於胯骨,頸椎,腰椎,酸痛,刺痛,痛無定處,這是關節炎, 風濕性,類風濕性、股骨頭炎的一種表現,越痛說明越嚴重。 3、意想不到的局部出現疼痛,說明這個部位有淤積。 4、全身無力,全身酸痛,這是排出血液裡面酸性的表現,還會出現奢睡現象 5、頭痛,這是腦血管萎縮,腦血管堵塞,腦腫瘤,偏頭痛,頭部受過外傷,腦神經功能不穩定的反映,微血管恢復彈性時,改變了周圍組織的形態。 6、女性小腹疼痛,脹痛,極不舒服,是原來有盆腔炎,子宮位置不正,子宮肌瘤子宮內膜異位,子宮腺肌症,宮頸炎,附件炎,陰道炎等婦科疾病的反映。 7、手足疼痛,手心腳心發熱,這是末梢神經,微循環恢復的反映。 8、腰疼,腰脹,腰酸:腎不好,腎炎,腎結石,膀胱結石,輸尿管結石,輸卵管,子宮肌瘤,盆腔炎,腰椎問題,等疾病的反應,是活血化瘀,結石鬆動,血管恢復彈性的一種表現。 9、胃痛并有嘔吐,脹排氣多,這是胃病,膽汁返流性胃炎,萎縮性胃炎,淺表性胃炎,胃竇炎等的反映,這是一種修復,排毒,提高胃功能的一種表現。 (頸椎壓迫神經或者嚴重咽炎也會有嘔吐現象) 10、膽汁區疼痛:這是疏通的表現,原來瘀堵的血管,肝組織被疏通和分解,逐漸恢復功能的一種表現。 11、原有肩周炎,頸椎問題的修復的時候也會出現更痛的反應 12、曾經受過傷的地方修復舊傷也有疼痛現象 三、眩暈 這是貧血,氣虛,高血壓,高血脂,高血粘度,痰阻,腦血管堵塞,肝膽氣不足人的表現,這是血流加快的一種表現,是由於原來很慢的血流量加快後,血管收縮能力跟不上,不同步或是打通堵塞血管的表現。 ​ 四、口瘡潰瘍 這是人體舌下腺(胃),腮腺(脾),腭下腺(腎)的熱,火,毒的向外排泄時,大量的在口腔內淤積形成的,多漱口能緩解。 (有些子宮肌瘤的女性也會出現牙齦腫痛現象) ​ 五、口乾、舌燥、尿頻、放屁多 原來身體酸性過多,排出細胞內多餘的水分,油膩,廢物等物質所表現的特徵,這是排酸的表現,大量喝水會有緩解(咽炎和肝火旺患者也會出現口乾情況) ​ 六、貪睡、睡不醒 這是體內毒素太多,血呈酸性,肝臟出現問題的一種表現,肝的排毒和修復,是要在睡眠中完成,這是修復的必然反映。 ​ 七、眼屎多、眼紅腫、眼痛 這是肝氣疏通上後,從眼中排出會使眼肉微循環,微血管,微彈性恢復疏通的一種表現,瘀堵在眼內的病毒向外排出的反映。青光眼、白內障、近視眼患者也會出現眼屎多 ​ 八、青春痘加劇 這是皮下脂肪大量排泄導致淤堵的一種現象。 ​ 九、咳嗽、痰多、伴有氣喘、頭暈 這是支氣管、氣管、咽喉、肺內的死痰、淤血,向外排泄時刺激組織的一種本能反映。哮喘患者也會出現咳嗽。 ​ 十、流血 ​ 1、流鼻血:這是血紅素,不是鼻血,原來血管硬化,萎縮,脾、肝功能不好的,調節後重新恢復功能的表現,或者曾經鼻子受過傷的; ​ 2、月經不停、出血時間長:嚴重氣滯血瘀、子宮內膜增厚、子宮內膜異位、子宮肌瘤、宮頸糜爛。 ​ 3、便鮮血:這是腸息肉、腸炎、大腸癌、痔瘡病人的反映,活血化瘀過程中,將原組織在各部位的淤血分解後排泄出的反映。 ​ 4、尿血:這是腎結石、輸尿管結石、膀胱結石的反應,在疏通過程中結石鬆動,排泄中碰傷了血管內膜滲血的反映。 ​ 5、尿白濁:這是腎病、膀胱問題恢復功能的反映。 ​ 6、尿綠:這是膽有問題,膽汁大量排出時,人體無法分解或者與各種食物結合,溶化的一種表現,也是一種恢復的表現。 ​ 十一、尿臭、尿的泡沫多 這是高血糖、糖尿病、腎病、胰腺炎、膀胱炎體質的人泌尿系統有炎症的特有表現,這是一種排毒、恢復功能的反映。 ​ 十二、腹瀉 這是典型的肝膽、膽囊炎、腸炎、體質差的人的表現,也是排毒現象。 (腹瀉嚴重者註意防止脫水) ​ 十三、氣急、氣短、心跳加快: 1、貧血:血流量增大,流動的速度快了,各種器官無法適應和調整。 2、心臟功能不好的人,心臟的血回流來不及協調。 十四、手、腳、身體浮腫 這是糖尿病、腎病、風濕、類風濕的,心臟血管堵塞的表現。 ​ 十五、血脂、血糖、血壓反而比之前升高 這是原有這些問題的患者一種調整修復反映,同時,是一種假性症狀,自我感覺不像過去的症狀那麼讓人辛苦。 ​ 十六、飯量減少和增強 這都是胃功能不好在修復胃的反應。 ​ 十七、胖了和瘦了內分泌在調整過程中的反映,尤其甲亢都會胖。瘦了,是體內細胞活力加強了,細胞內的脂毒,脂肪大量排出形成的。 ​ 十八、肝功能不好者在修復肝時會出現:口臭,口苦,脾氣大、流鼻血(血紅素)、眼屎多、流眼淚、眼朦、怕熱(老感覺天氣炎熱)、夜裡出現流汗(後背流汗)、後背發熱、小腿肚發硬。 ​ 十九、女性子宮問題:月經紊亂、量多量少、推遲或提前、甚至一個月多次、一段時間後經血顏色鮮豔、慢慢改善。 ​ 二十、男性前列腺問題:小部分人會出現暫時無法勃起、調理之後小便通暢、性功能增強。 ​ 二十一、風濕,類風濕患者:出現腫、痛、甚至有幾天腳無力,且會修復很多輪。 ​ 二十二、有抽煙史的人、會出現咳嗽出濃痰出來、然後進入乾咳階段。 ​ 二十三、長期喝酒的人、在服用產品期間會出現酒量很差,喝一點就醉,甚至喝酒嘔吐現象。 二十四、掉髮 促進毛囊新生,新生細胞替代老化細胞重新長出頭髮。白頭髮更多,毛囊部分白髮長出,之後慢慢在長黑髮。 ​ 二十五、原本這種反應是沒有的問題,吃完薑黃素後發現問題屬於未病,不用擔心,短時間自然消失。 ​ 注:有些人在服用薑黃素過程中反應太大,會害怕!其實不要愚蠢認為這是排斥,而這是一種好轉反應! ​ 吃西藥是沒有反應的,而且在默默地破壞器官功能,而薑黃素是在幫你找出病況,在調整、疏通、恢復和提高身體各個器官的功能和作用。 重點是,我們的產品是純天然,有些人感覺沒有任何反應,其實是反應微小,未察覺。假如各位在服用產品時為了體驗效果可以在服用之前用筆記本列表記下自己身體所有大大小小的小毛病,一段時間後再去查看筆記本,或許在你認為沒有感覺的時候,有些小問題已經在不知不覺中不見掉了,也有很小部分的人沒有反應,但是不知不覺中病情越來越好,可以用醫院檢查指標做對比就更清楚了。
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